Completion of Runnymede Murals

It’s back to my Runnymede Murals. I took a lovely holiday in between murals one and two of this project, so it’s taken me a while to get back to reality. Along the way, I have somewhat neglected my blogging.  But in between the unsettled weather I was able to finish all of the mural work on the lock house at Bell Weir. I was very pleased to have Crissy, who designed the second mural, come and help me finish painting on the last day, and sign her wonderful design.

Positive Feedback For Runnymede Murals

Members of the public have received the Runnymede Murals very positively. It’s always nice to work in a space where people can watch you paint. I enjoy meeting passers by and receiving their instant feedback! And I had people passing by both on foot and by boat. I hope people will enjoy the murals for a very long time to come.

The murals will be officially ‘unveiled’ this week, but unfortunately I am away working on a new project. I hope all the students who contributed the excellent designs will enjoy the day though.